Led product exploration and design to help people leverage their kindle insights
Wellput is a web product that we build internally in Tonik from scratch. We wanted to build a product that will help people review and store Kindle highlights, so that we all can become the productive beast we always wanted to be.
First, I started leading product discovery & strategy, then I became product owner. I’ve worked on Wellput from 2020 till the end of 2021.
Project overview
When talking about the built-in Kindle highlight function, the most common adjectives we hear are: messy, unclear and unintuitive. 💩 No filter, no sorting options are real pain in the neck, especially for those who like to read work-related or self-help books.
Being able to have all quotes from your books stored digitally is a massive advantage. You can collect notes, put them to work, and try new things.
Discovery process
As Product Designers, we championed the original vision of Wellput app and got very excited about the visuals & features, but there were other aspects that we needed to think about first.
We had to find evidence that our hypotheses were true and other Kindle users feel our pain. Only by having enough evidence we could minimize business risks and make sure that we deliver a unique value to the right audience (I got excited even by writing this 🤓).
Methods used to gather evidence
- Competitors review and analysis
- Exploration interviews, surveys
- Scoping Workshops
- Landing Page with mailing list
- Landing page launch on Product Hunt
- Newsletters

Discovery insights
After we looked around for some direct and undirect commpetitors we were able to map different approaches and assess whether these products solve our problems.
By talking to other Kindle users we were able to not only back up our assumptions but also understand their problems better. Additionaly, we gathered a lot of ideas for a possible solution as well as opportunities to grow our product. We’ve gathered data that helped us start forming our value proposition and business model – which means I could use all my fav canvases. 😁
Then we met on the workshops where with a little help of exercises we’ve mapped out scope of MVP. 🚀
5 out of 5 respondents claimed that reviewing highlights in Kindle is very annoying and they would like use an alternative product.

Building MVP
After workshops we ended up with a few sketches of the key screens that we were happy about. We started our design process with branding and create a teaser prototype of key screens. Those deliverables helped me further validate our value proposition before we started working on the MVP.
Further testing that we did, like launching Landing page on a Product Hunt or writing newsletter helped us create a small community around the product and start building MVP with more confidence.
My role there was to lead the design process as well as have ownership over the implementation and it’s end results.